Sunday, 15 March 2015

My Fauxdori Uni Planner

For my first Semester at Uni I just had a section in my main planner (my A5 Finsbury) but a bargain buy of a A5 Fauxdori came to my attention and someone suggested (sorry I can't remember who) that it would be great for Uni.
A notebook per subject was suggested and I love this idea for when I get to the more intensive note taking subjects.
So here is my work in progress set up so far.

 My $15 Fauxdori, I don't have a pen loop for it yet so the elastic is holding my pens.
I decided I want to take colourful notes so I selected a cheap 4 colour pen with my favourite colour in and the Orange Frixion I got in a RAK and I don't use Orange in my colour code very often.
 This handy writers wheel (I think that is what it is called) is paper clipped to my home made flyleaf.
Note as everything was in a filofax I had to stick things together to fit in my dori.

On the back of my Writers Wheel is a sticky note with info I need on hand for Uni.
On the right is a card holder from my A5 filofax it has my student ID and local Library card (thinking I will put washi samples in the empty pockets.
Pink sticky notes are covering personal info, blue and white are a small pile stuck to empty pockets until I get a dashboard happening.

Back of A5 filofax card insert (not this is stuck with packing tape to a filofax A5 top opening pocket).
Pink sticky notes are a little stack.
On right is a cheap Collect & Co notebook from Big W that I covered with paper that was more me.
I couldn't afford proper books and couldn't make them myself due to my hand.

The other Collect & Co book (2 A5 for $2).
I love the layout of their pages but I will be covering the logo on each page with a sticker.

A5 filofax top opening pocket.
It is home to index cards for studying, paperwork from Uni, the single page of notes I made in my first subject and a letter for Uni.

On the right is the recycled/upcycled A4 page protector that I made a A5 when it was torn.
In my first subject we covered assessing websites for reliability and I saved the documents for assessing it and keep them here for reference.


  1. I love planners I can plan till the cow comes home but actualy doing it is another story

    1. I found I need to set even 10 minutes aside each day to plan so I actually plan.
