Tuesday, 9 December 2014

My daughter shaved her head Today and donated her hair.

My daughter made the decision 5 years ago to grow out her hair and look after it really well so that she could shave it and donate as much as possible to be made into a wig for a Cancer patient.
She has not dyed it, limited hair dryer use, had regular split end trims, etc.
Her friend Lacee is very talented with a camera so she wanted to do a Before Shoot with her, take Photos on the day and a After Shoot (still to be done), I decided to video it (yet to upload but will update with the link).
Follow the link to Shani's Facebook page for her shave and this a link to her I Can For Cancer website.
To make 1 wig they need hair from 6 people, so if you feel you would like to donate your hair check out the requirements to ensure you hair is suitable for a wig.

 Before shoot.

Brushing it out, checking for split ends and trimming to ensure the best hair is sent off.

Pony tail time.

 Feeling her hair, and many joined in feeling her hair, she informs me it continued all day thanks to a friends saying feel it to people.

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