

Sunday 12 March 2017

Counterfiet Kit Challenge Guest Designer - Challenge 1 Old and New

The first Challenge from Counterfiet Kit Challenge this month is Old and New, I used this prompt not only with selecting supplies but also my photos.

It was suggested when I posted this photo of a 7yr me to find out where it was that I should include a current photo of London Bridge at the 12 Apostles on the Great Ocean Road since where I am standing with my Mum and Uncle Des collapsed into the ocean in 1990 so this prompt had me really wanting to scrap these photos.

These gorgeous little wood veneer hearts are new to my stash, I recieved them in a RAK I recieved in February.
I love them.
The flower sticker, white rose and Good Times sticker are some older items in my stash, not my oldest but they have been in  it for over a year.  It was great using up some of my older supplies.

The background paper and Thickers are from my Kitaholic Kits January Main Kit, I also used some other papers that are new to my stash from a couple of 6x6 paper pads I recently bought and a gorgeous floral from a My Mind's Eye 6x6 paper pad Heike gave me for my 40th.
The older papers I used are a blue wave paper that is hard to see in the photo from a American Crafts Atlantic paper pad and this fun pink paper that is at the back of my layers that has words on it in a darker pink which is from a old cheap pad from Lincraft.

I have left lots of room for journaling as I don't have any clear memories from this trip so my Mum's best friend is writing up her memories for me and sending them to me from Germany.


  1. Love this! What a great idea for a page@

    1. Thank you Kelly.
      I hope to one day as suggested by some return to The Great Ocean Road and get a photo of me near this spot.

  2. Really love the idea of comparing the old and the new in one layout. It's fabulous!
